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How you can benefit

  • 参加每季度一次的午餐会和一系列全年的专业发展活动,这些活动都是休斯顿商界领袖的特色

  • 通过专业发展资源建立一个拥护者网络

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Actively Involved

而女性商业联盟全年都会举办一系列活动, the program's signature annual gathering is Rise to the Top. This unique event features compelling, 来自杰出女性高管的坦诚对话,讨论在当今的商业环境中,作为一名女性取得成功的挑战和胜利. 
一年一度的Rise to The Top活动邀请了领导休斯顿商界的杰出女性.

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New Partnership Members in March

大休斯顿伙伴关系在3月份迎来了6家新成员公司. The Partnership works to connect companies with resources, information, 和网络机会,以帮助增加皇冠HGA010官方下载,同时也提供了一个平台,以影响该地区的方向.  New members who joined in the month of March include: 奥杜邦公司:奥杜邦是一家全球工程供应商, procurement, construction (EPC), consulting, fabrication, and technical field services to the energy, chemicals, power, infrastructure, and industrial markets. Website. A+UP Charter Schools: A+UP is a tuition-free, 位于休斯顿中城区的公立特许学校,服务6-8年级. Website. Bartlett Cocke: Bartlett Cocke是德克萨斯州的一名总承包商. 拥有60多年与墨西哥湾沿岸工业客户合作的经验, Bartlett Cocke拥有丰富的经验,涵盖了广泛的工业环境和设施类型. Website. Crohn's & Colitis Foundation: Crohn's & Colitis Foundation is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to finding the cures for Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Website. Fit Houston: Fit Houston是一家501(c)(3)非营利组织,通过增加免费户外空间的体育活动和免费的健康项目来提高生活质量,主要关注资源不足的社区,这些社区缺乏健身房和健康资源. Website. 德州Shriners Children’s Texas:德州Shriners Children’s Texas是一家501(c)(3)非营利性儿科烧伤医院, research, 以及位于加尔维斯顿德克萨斯大学医学分校校园内的教学中心, Texas. Website. Click here to see the Partnership's Membership Directory.  要了解更多关于大休斯顿伙伴关系会员资格的信息,请点击这里, or contact
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“As a lifelong Houstonian, 我特别高兴能成为该伙伴关系的一员,并感谢他们为休斯顿市及周边社区的经济增长和发展所做的伟大工作.”

Charles McFarland
Attorney, McFarland PLLC

“成为合伙企业的一员是我作为首席执行官做出的最专业的决定之一. Even though I’m leading a nonprofit, 与不同行业的组织交流的能力是非常有用的. 通过与商界的思想领袖互动并从中受益,我发现他们确实在解决Hga010皇冠软件下载所面临的同样问题."

Tracy Weeden, Ed.D.
President & CEO, Neuhaus Education Center

“更大的休斯顿伙伴关系,感谢你继续是一个很好的信息资源. 我很自豪能成为这个代表休斯顿的组织的一员, it's businesses and people.”

Ed Parker
Business Development Manager, Industrial Tax Consulting

"With one of the largest databases of members, [the Partnership] is a wonderful networking resource for me."

Neal Talmadge

"The quality of the programs are top-notched, and because of that, the attendees are top-notched as well. Quality networking is great!"

Anthony Pabillano


Lisa Bogany
Workforce Solutions
本计划及其福利仅对合作伙伴成员开放. Learn more about becoming a company member today.


  • 参加每季度一次的午餐会和一系列全年的专业发展活动,这些活动都是休斯顿商界领袖的特色
  • 通过专业发展资源建立一个拥护者网络
Marjorie Meier
Director, Programs & Engagement
Events & Programs
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